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5778 176A Street
Surrey, British Columbia
V3S 4H3
P: 604-576-2888
F: 604-576-2882
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Saturday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sundays: 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
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Integrative Approach to Cold and Flu Prevention

November 2, 2014

Dr. Henry Cheng and Christine Cheng, R.Ph.

​The most reliable way to minimize the impact of the influenza virus is to take the flu vaccine, together with adopting a healthy life style (e.g., healthy eating, exercise, and good handwashing habits).  The flu vaccine is manufactured with the current year’s viral strains and is designed to fight the current year’s flu virus.  In order to obtain the appropriate strains the manufacturer needs to wait till the fall when the current virus can be identified and isolated before the vaccine can be produced.  It is for this reason that the flu shot is available only in mid-October.  

​There are people who for one reason or another cannot take the flu shot.  In this case, using herbal and homeopathic medicines may help to booster immunity so the body can fight the flu virus when it invades the body.  Although homeopathicmedicines are not proven scientifically and are not accepted by orthodox schools, there is growing evidence to support the use of certain herbal preparations to help with cold and flu symptoms. We must emphasize that homeopathic flu prevention programs should be used in conjunction with the flu shot, or used as an alternative only when the flu shot is contra-indicated.  We would never tell people that thehomeopathic program can be used as a substitute for the flu shot.  Misconception about homeopathic medicine and fear of the needle may compromise the population’s vaccination rate and herd immunity.  

​Herbal and homeopathic medicines definitely can be used as an adjunct to cut down the risk of getting sick.  Typically a homeopathic prevention program consists of taking Thymuline 9CH once a week for 5 weeks andInfluenzinum 9CH also once a week, but on a different day of the week and also for 5 weeks.  This should be commenced in the fall.  Thymuline is made from the thymus gland (not thyroid gland), the organ responsible for producing immune bodies.   Homeopathic Thymuline stimulates the thymus gland to produce the appropriate antibodies.   Influenzinum is made from the actual current year’s influenza vaccine.  It is believed that minute doses of the vaccine may educate the body’s immune system to deal with the flu virus in case of an actual invasion by the virus.  Homeopathic medicine is also known to reduce the side effects of vaccination.   If you are concerned about side effects of vaccination take three little pills of Sulfur 30CH dissolved under the tongue once immediately before and once immediately after the injection. This may minimize side effects.  Homeopathics can be used in all ages.

​Ultra Flora™ HEALTH DEFENSE (by Metagenics) is a unique probiotic blend demonstrated in research to support respiratory health. At just one capsule a day, this is one of the only safe naturopathic options in those who are pregnant or who have auto-immune diseases.

​ A herbal complex called ESBERITOX® (by Enzymatic Therapy) containing Echinacea, Thuya and Baptisia is one of the most popular over-the-counter medications in Germany.  On the first symptom of the cold or flu, chew a few tabletsthree times a day until the symptoms are gone. Esberitox ® is safe to use in children as young as 4 years of age. Taking homeopathic anas barbariae hepatis et cordis (e.g.,OSCILLOCOCCINUM®), three doses to be dissolved under the tongue 6 hours apart, has also shown remarkable efficacy in lessening and shortening the duration of the fluepisode.  

​Elderberry fruit extract has been proven to reduce flu-like symptoms via its immunomodulatory properties and its apparent ability to inhibit the replication of the flu virus. A tablespoon of SAMBUCUS (by Nature’s Way) taken four times a day can help reduce both the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms.

​What do we do every year to fight the flu?  We take the flu shot as soon as it is available and complement the vaccine with Thymuline 9CH and Influenzinum 9CH once a week for 5 weeks.  We keep Esberitox and Sambucus on hand to be taken whenever we feel a scratchy throat or a sniffle coming on and Oscillo for when we feel flu-like symptoms coming on or get tired for no other reason.  There are patients in whom some herbal preparations should not be used or used with caution so check with your doctor or pharmacist to make sure the product you choose is appropriate for you.

Henry Cheng is a medical graduate of the University of London, England and is now Natural Products Consultant in Pharmasave Downtown Cloverdale. He works alongside his daughter, Christine Cheng, a pharmacist with training innatural medicine.

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